Sunday, October 1, 2017

12th student put PM Modi, we do not need bullet train, better railways

Shreya Chawhan, who is studying in class 12, has demanded to spend money on Indian Railways instead of bullet train from PM Modi.

MUMBAI: Since the foundation of the bullet train between Mumbai and Ahmedabad is being laid on the one side, the opposition is opposing it, while the Modi government is considering it as its success. Meanwhile, after the death of 22 people in a stampede at Elphinstone railway station in Mumbai, questions have started arising from the recent situation of Indian Railways. In this context, Shreya Chavan, a 12th class student from a Mumbai school, has petitioned Prime Minister Narendra Modi to demand an amendment of Indian Railways instead of bullet train.

Nearly 5 thousand people did the support of Shreya Charyan in the petition saying, 'We do not have bullet trains, we need better railways'. This petition of Shreya is getting much support from the people. Within 24 hours, more than four and a half thousand people supported this attempt of Shreya. About 4327 people have signed on this petition. Shreya has urged PM Modi to focus on the recent situation of Indian Railways rather than spending so much money on the bullet train.

Students are angry with the death of the student. Let the girls tell you that on September 20, a junior student of Shreya was killed by the train and after that accident on Friday, Elphinstone Railway station has opened the pole with Indian Railways. . Shreya is angry with the death of a junior student falling from the train. They said, "We then decided to raise the matter (after the student's death). If the students can not go to college through trains, then what does the bullet train mean? "Railway Minister Piyush Goyal and Maharashtra's Chief Minister Devendra Fananvis have also been addressed in the petition filed on

"The budget expenditure on railways instead of bullet train" has been stated in the petition, "According to statistics, nine people die every day on the tracks in Mumbai. In these circumstances, money should be spent on improving the condition of Mumbai Local Trains instead of spending on the Mumbai-Ahmedabad bullet train. "The Mumbai Stampede went to 22 students to tell you that Mithi Shah, 17, of Mithibai College, from Dahisar, Borivali A local train was killed due to falling from the train. After the accident on Friday (September 29th) at Elphinstone Road Station in Mumbai, girls thought it was an online campaign. 22 passengers, including eight women, died and 38 others were injured in a stampede at Alfinston Road Station in Mumbai's Western Railway on Friday morning.


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