Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Look What President Trump Is About To Release That Put Obama In Panic Mode – Will RUIN HIM!

Look What President Trump Is About To Release That Put Obama In Panic Mode – Will RUIN HIM!

Barack Obama could easily be the most corrupt president of modern times, but do not try to tell him or his millions of adoring followers that.

Since Obama left office, he has been busy traipsing around the world bashing President Trump and telling throngs of his rabid supporters how he is the most loved, transparent, and scandal-free president of our time. Well, Obama may want to keep quiet about being open and scandal-free considering what Trump is about to release on him that will have Obama in panic mode.
The reason that the left has been in absolute hysterics since Donald Trump won the election is not only based on irrational hatred and childish antics but the fact that Hillary Clinton was supposed to make sure that all the horrible crimes committed under Obama’s watch stayed hidden. However, that plan did not work out as intended and Trump and the DOJ are busy revealing the corruption that took place in the Obama administration.
One of the biggest scandals that occurred during Obama’s terrible presidency was the detestable Fast and Furious Operation that the Obama administration tried to cover up with absurd excuses. For years, that entire scandal has been shrouded in mystery as the American people have wondered what the truth behind this gun running operation was, and now we may finally have some answers.Just last Wednesday, the Department of Justice announced that they were in possession of additional documents concerning Fast and Furious and that they were being released to the House Oversight Committee. The documents shed light on the gun-running scandal that not only implicates Barack Obama but also his good buddy and former Attorney General Eric Holder.
Here is more from SHTF Plan:
“We may finally get some answers to the high-level Obama administration’s gun-running scandal dubbed “Fast and Furious.” The Trump administration is promising to release the documents pertaining to that scandal that were withheld by former Attorney General, Eric Holderperation Fast and Furious was the Obama-era operation in coordination with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) in which the federal government allowed criminals to buy guns in Phoenix-area shops with the intention of tracking them as they were transported into Mexico. But the agency lost track of more than 1,400 of the 2,000 guns they allowed smugglers to buy.
“For over six years, the House Oversight Committee has fought for additional documents related to Operation Fast and Furious. Today, the Committee finally reached a conditional settlement with the Department of Justice,” Amanda Gonzalez, spokeswoman for the House Oversight Committee, said in a statement to Fox News. “The Committee seeks all relevant facts so we can learn from the mistakes made by the Justice Department. We have a responsibility to uncover why they worked so hard to hide this information from the Committee, the family of [slain border patrol agent] Brian Terry, and the American people.Brian Terry was killed in 2010 by an illegal immigrant with a weapon used in the botched Operation Fast and Furious. Terry died in a gunfight between Border Patrol agents and members of a six-man cartel “rip crew,” which patrolled the desert along the U.S.-Mexico border looking for drug dealers to rob. The cartel member suspected of killing Terry was apprehended in 2017.
Terry’s brother, Kent Terry also wants the scandal investigated“We need to find out the truth, exactly what happened, how it happened, why it happened,” Kent Terry said on Fox & Friends Tuesday. “We need Mr. Trump, President Trump, to unseal the documents, reverse executive privilege so that we know what happened, and that we can hold the people accountable that are responsible.”
According to Fox News, the Justice Department entered into a conditional settlement agreement with the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. The settlement agreement was filed in federal court in Washington D.C. and ends six years of litigation arising out of the previous administration’s refusal to produce records requested by the committee.”
For years, the American people and most importantly the family of border patrol agent Brian Terry deserve answers and is now the time that we receive them. It is evident that the Obama administration is again involved in another criminal cover up that is worthy of being exposed and as quickly as possible.
President Trump needs to release these documents so that the criminals involved in this case can finally be held accountable once and for all.


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