New Delhi / Lucknow: With the introduction of the CBSE board exams, all the students have come under stress. Many students of Humanities complain that there is not enough gap between their papers. Psychology paper
April 5 is the next day of Political Science. They are students and upset, who also have legal studies. Similarly, the paper of history is on March 20 and then on March 21, the Maths paper. 12th English paper is on March 5, then the paper of physics is on 7th March. However there are quite a few who are happy with the end of the exam.
Schools principals in Lucknow say that it is better for students preparing for competitive examinations. Deepa Dwivedi, principal of DPS Eldico, said that due to excess gap, children are trapped in the board exams. In such a situation, they are unable to prepare for the second examinations. Manjula Goswami, Principal of The Millennium School, said that those who do regular classes do not need much gap.
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Students get disturbed due to low gap in papers in CBSE Examination
Friday, January 12, 2018
Students get disturbed due to low gap in papers in CBSE Examination
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