Chandausi: Now, in private schools, the teacher will not be able to read. Now the private schools will also be inevitable. After taking this decision by the Central Government the teachers have increased bachelor. At the same time, private schools have also been worrying about their future in front of teachers without having passed. So far, BEd pass candidate was considered eligible for teaching in private school, but now what will happen to such candidates. Also, private school operators are also worried about this.
Keeping in view the future of children, the Central Government has altered the standards of education, but the teachers who are not passed. This decision will not be proved right for them. Speaking to the teachers and principals on this issue. Most of them have misjudged the decision. Atul Goswami, Principal of GK Silver Stone, located at Ganosh Colony, said that the education of children would be affected, but teaching of nearby teachers would improve the education. KG Gupta, Principal of Global Heritage International School at Manihar Chowk said that the decision taken by the Central Government will be correct, because the teaching degree should be taught in schools. Naveedita Nandan, Principal of the Global Heritage School located in Chichrah and said that this decision of the government will make many teachers unemployed. Their future will be left in the future. There will be roses of roti ahead of them. Teacher of GK Silver Stone, Rukhsar said that the Center should give teachers time for TET and relief should be given. Sarita Vauthrray said that the government should give departmental TET because those teachers who are not TET passed and they are studying for years, they have experience. Provide respite to departmental TET and pass them. So that he can become teachable. Rahul Kumar, a teacher of Chandausi Public School, said that the government's decision is correct, given the future of the children, but teachers who are not studying without TET should also get relief.
B.ED pass teacher worried about future
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UPTET: केंद्र के फैसले से निजी स्कूलों के शिक्षकों में बेचैनी, भविष्य को लेकर चिंता में पड़ गए बीएड पास शिक्षक
Friday, November 3, 2017
UPTET: केंद्र के फैसले से निजी स्कूलों के शिक्षकों में बेचैनी, भविष्य को लेकर चिंता में पड़ गए बीएड पास शिक्षक
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