Thursday, October 5, 2017

TGT-PGT: Nine thousand teacher recruits engaged in the new commission: New Commission instead of selection board and higher commission constituted

Allahabad 1 board, education and salary of teachers are the same, but there is a huge gap in providing resources to educational institutions. Where on one side the State Government has more than nine thousand LT grade teachers in government colleges
In order to make recruitment for the recruitment, it has been instructed to recruit, whereas on the other hand, similar recruitments are available in the non-government colleges. It is certain that these recruitments had been fixed till the dates of the written exams, but the entire new commission from the proposed new commission was stalled.

The selection of trained graduates (TGTs), spokespersons (PGTs) and principals in the non-government-assisted secondary colleges is conducted by the Secondary Education Service Selection Board. The recruitment of the year 2013 has been completed in the selection board long after a long time. Results of the written test of 2011 and interviews are already pending. The selection board announced the written test for the year 2016, a few months ago. The examination was to be held on October 4, 8, 15, 22 and 29 on all four occasions. TGT-PGT 2016, there are about eleven million candidates for more than nine thousand posts, who were present in the preparations for the examination these days. Meanwhile, the state's BJP government has proposed the formation of a new commission for the selection of teachers in non-government colleges and secondary schools in the province.

The new commission is to be created by the merger of Secondary Education Service Selection Board, Upper and Higher Education Services Commission. The government has constituted separate committees for the draft committe and its monitoring to the new commission. Both the meetings have also been held, as well as the appointment of the new commission's chairman and members is almost certain, but the formation process has not progressed further. After this step of governance, the President and the members of the two commissions have also submitted their resignation letter. As the recruitment of the recruitment results, the candidates are upset and the strategy of ill-motile movement is going on. At the same time, Naval Kishore, Deputy Secretary, Selection Board says that the process of forming a new commission is expected to increase soon and the recruitments will be thereafter.


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