Thursday, October 5, 2017

Shikshamitra education will be screwed by many, contract ends: BSA warns teachers too

After the change in time of the council schools, the department has also increased surveillance. After getting complaints of non-availability of education students, the department against them has been activated and the absentees have been given notice of contract termination. On Wednesday, three school closed before the BSA inspection. Withholding deduction of notices of honorable teachers, whose termination termination notice has been issued by cutting headlines of teachers and teachers. District Inspector General SK Tiwari, who witnessed the primary school of Shilpur block at Nagala Ranjit at 2:30 pm, was already locked in the lock. Before that, the staff had already closed the school. He has given notice of termination of service with a deduction of deduction of a day's salary of Principal Sadhma Sushma Yadav and education minister Snehalata. The school was closed at 2 pm in Jathar block of junior high school Khatupura. The teachers were preparing to go. 1 The headmaster of Rambeer Singh Yadav, the headmaster of the salary was warned to the Assistant Teacher Primary school Nagla Khangar was also found closed at 2 pm and 35 minutes. Principal Manoj Kumar and educationmittar Manoj Kumar and Sudamandan were missing here. Notice of termination of service has been issued while deduction of honorarium deductions of the Principal and honorarium of education students. 1 BSA also warned the teachers that if the school closes prematurely, they will be suspended in the future.


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